Freud ' s complicated , friend - enemy relationship with his follower , carl jung , is real 弗洛伊德和他的追随者卡尔?荣格之间亦友亦敌的关系也是真的。
Carl jung said : the healthy man is not torture others ? generally it is the tortured who turn into tortures 正常人是不会折磨别人的,一般来说,被虐者最后会成为施虐者。
“ the unconscious is not just evil by nature , it is also the source of the highest good ” ( carl jung ) “无意识不仅仅是本性邪恶,而且是以前错误和羞愧的来源” (卡尔?荣格) 。
“ we should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect ; we apprehend it just as much by feeling ” ( carl jung ) “我们不应假装仅通过智力理解世界;我们通过感觉理解得一样多” (卡尔?荣格) 。
In carl jung ' s the seven sermons to the dead - he describes the star in terms of a light guiding the soul into this repose 在卡尔容格的死者的七个布道? ?他描写这颗星星是根据光来引领灵魂进入这种静止。
Dr . carl jung , the great psychologist who happened to belong to the reformed church in switzerland , wrote a book called , " modern man in search of a soul . 伟大的心理学家荣格博士,他也是瑞士改革宗教会的成员他写了一本书,名为寻找灵魂的现代人。
Carl jung once said , “ if people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures , it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their fellow men better 卡尔?荣格曾经说过, “假如人们接受教育之后能看到自己天性卑微的一面,他们就可能有望学着更好地去理解和爱他们的同胞。
Carl jung : the confluence of events in the cultural gestalt necessitated that individual chickens cross roads at this historical juncture , and therefore synchronicitously brought such occurrences into being 荣格:在文化整体格架中的诸事件之汇流,使得个别的小鸡在历史转折处穿过马路,因而同时使得这类偶然事件发生了。
It is of interest to mention that a symbol such as that of the ouroboros is something which carl jung refers to as an archetype ; it seems to makes its way into our conscious mind time and time again in varying forms 有趣的是大毒蛇作为一种标记,卡尔容格有时把它作为一种原型;它看起来似乎是在我们头脑的意识内制造了自己的习惯,以各种形式来周而复始。